A Family Affair

A Salvadore-Delgado Family Legacy developed by Ace Emerson with the help of Gabriella Villalobos, Bryan Paul & Cabrini Lai, Janet Chan & the family. "This Site is dedicated to family members who are confused as to WHO'S WHO? - during every family get-together - Myself included"

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Family Tree: Prudence Gonzales's Line

Generation I:

Prudence Gonzales [& Daga Mariano]:

1. Joseph Mariano
2. Virginia Mariano


Generation II:

Joseph Mariano [&]:
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Virginia Mariano [&]:


Monday, February 13, 2006

Family Tree: Pablo Salvadore's Line

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Pablo Salvadore Delgado (Deceased) [& Agnes Gasper (Deceased)]:

Pablo passed away in 1955.

1. Leoncio Delgado
2. Julio Delgado (Deceased)
3. Victor Delgado (Deceased)
4. Victoria Delgado @ Toyang
5. Pablo Delgado Jr. (Deceased)
6. Conception Delgado (Deceased)
7. Regina Delgado (Deceased)
8. Roderick Delgado
9. James Delgado
10. Leonora Delgado (Deceased)


Generation II:

Leoncio Delgado [& Joanita Domingo]:

1. Louis Delgado
2. Anthony Thomas Delgado
3. Josephine Delgado
4. Vincent Delgado


Victoria Delgado [& Richard Gomes]:

Conception Delgado (Deceased) [& Steven Chan Sam Wing]:

1. Christopher
2. Maximillian
3. Janet


Regina Delgado (Deceased):


Roderick Delgado [&]:


James Delgado [& Paula Sin]:

1. Bryan Delgado

Generation III:

Louis Delgado:

Anthony Thomas Delgado [& Tsang Lai Feng]:

1. Sebastian Lucas Delgado


Josephine Delgado:


Vincent Delgado:


(Victoria's Line)

Christopher [& Cecile]:

1. Nicholette Chan
2. Jonathan Chan
3. Olivia Chan

Maximillian [& Dayang]:

1. Johann
2. Juhari
3. Juliana
4. Julia
5. Jasman


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Janet Chan [& Art Orozco] :

Janet is living in Hawaii with hubby.
To contact Janet: janchan98@yahoo.com
Bryan Delgado [&]:

Family Tree: Celestina Salvadore's Line

Generation I:

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Celestina Salvadore [& Manuel Rodriguez]:

1. Ephifany Rodriguez (Deceased)
2. Dolores Rodriguez (Deceased)
3. Vincent Rodriguez
4. Paula Rodriguez
5. Nellie Rodriguez
6. Nardo Rodriguez
7. Nicholas Rodriguez
8. Rufina Rodriguez


Generation II:

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Ephifany Rodriguez [&]:


Dolores Rodriguez [&]:


Vincent Rodriguez [&]:


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Paula Rodriguez [&]:


Nellie Rodriguez [&]:


Nardo Rodriguez [&]:


Nicholas Rodriguez [&]:


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Rufina Rodriguez [&]:
